Alice Corona, giornalista e attivista dei dati, e formatrice nell’ambito delle azioni del progetto Elephant Talk, spiega che cosa si intende con data feminism (femminismo dei dati), quali sono i suoi principi chiave e come i dati, spesso percepiti come neutri e oggettivi, riflettano o amplifichino le disuguaglianze sociali e di genere.
I principi e le pratiche del data feminism guideranno il nostro progetto di raccolta e visualizzazione partecipativa di dati sul fenomeno sistemico dell’odio di genere online con focus specifico sul body shaming. L’iniziativa sta coinvolgendo organizzazioni europee attive in Italia, Croazia, Romania, Portogallo, Grecia, Slovenia e Spagna ed è realizzata da Maghweb in collaborazione con Impact Hub Labs, Polylogos e Young Educators, con il sostegno dell’EACEA nell’ambito del programma CERV, linea coinvolgimento e partecipazione dell3 cittadin3.
The Power of Data for Equality Building: Defining Data Feminism
Alice Corona -journalist, data activist and Elephant Talk Data training event trainer- explains what ‘data feminism’ is, its key principles and how data, which is often perceived as neutral and objective, reflects or amplifies social and gender inequalities.
The principles and practices of data feminism will be guiding our participatory data collection and visualisation action about the systemic phenomenon of online gender-based hate speech and in particular body shaming. This action is engaging organisations and youth workers active in the field of gender equality in Italy, Croatia, Romania, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia and Spain. #ElephantTalk was created by Maghweb in collaboration with Impact Hub Labs, Polylogos and Young Educators, funded by the EACEA in the CERV programme, Citizen’s Engagement and Participant strand.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.