Webinar & Panel discussion: Free travel, living, working: The Maastricht Treaty

This online event focused on deepening understanding of EU citizens’ rights to travel, live, work, and study across borders. It explored how inclusion and diversity shape identity and manifest in diversity management within local policies. It was also designed for educators, youth workers, and students interested in programs, initiatives, and tools to promote EU citizenship and citizen engagement, whether they reside in major cities or smaller, peripheral areas. 

Goals of the event were:

  • Deepen understanding of EU citizens’ rights to travel, live, work, and study across borders.
  • Gain insights into how diversity policies are implemented locally and discuss their impact on communities and individual identities.
  • Solidify your understanding of EU rights, diversity policies, and participation mechanisms, while also thinking about how these can be applied or further explored individually.
  • Learn about the European Citizens’ Initiative, programmes and other tools for EU citizens’ engagement.

Read the Work Package with the report of the days carried out within the framework of the European Union programme ‘Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values’.

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